Canada Immigration: Facts And Figures

Canada Immigration: Facts And Figures

Canada Immigration Consultant
Immigration Consultant for Canada

As a foreign national, you may have several questions and concerns about Canadian immigration and work visas. These inquiries may concern visa requirements, the application procedure, or other details critical to successful Canadian immigration.

As an immigration consultant i have tried to answered some of the most commonly asked questions regarding sponsorship and immigration to Canada to clear up any misconceptions and provide you with the knowledge you need to make the best decisions. My responses are based on my experiences, so you have first-hand knowledge to guarantee you’re ready for the adventure ahead.

1. I was requested to register to sponsor my parents, but I never received an email confirming my application. How do I obtain it?

Check the same email addresses you used on the interest to sponsor form, as well as junk email. If you have not yet received an invitation, you might send a web form with your confirmation number, which everyone who fills out the sponsor form receives.

2. Who is eligible to apply for an intra-company transfer work visa in Canada?

The intra-company transfer program enables multinational corporations to send three types of staff to Canada: CEOs, senior managers, and specialist knowledge workers.

3. What qualifications must a person have to work as an intra-company transferee in Canada?

The prospective worker should provide proof that the foreign national is currently employed by a multinational business outside of Canada and is seeking entrance into Canada to work in a parent, subsidiary, branch or affiliate of that enterprise.

4. How long will I have the first work permit if I transfer to the company?

Your first work visa is valid for one year under intra-company transfer. It is possible to apply for a renewal after this time has passed.

5. Is LMIA required for an intra-company transfer work permit?

Employers who bring overseas employees to Canada as intra-company transfers are free from the obligation to conduct a Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) since the transfer of their skills to Canadian enterprises provides considerable economic value to Canada.

6. What evidence is necessary for the employee’s specialized expertise under the intra-company work permit?

An ICT Specialist Knowledge Worker must have an advanced understanding of the company’s product, service, research, equipment, procedures, or management, as well as proprietary knowledge. Similarly, documentation is necessary to show the employee’s specialized expertise, as is evidence that employment in Canada needs such knowledge.

7. What are the intra-company transfer company and worker qualification criteria?

A qualified business connection, such as a parent, subsidiary, branch, or affiliate, must exist for the firm (this does not include franchise or license agreements). The employee must be engaged in a similar job by the firm in a foreign jurisdiction on a permanent and continuous basis.

If you have any further questions concerning Canadian immigration, contact me at 9779807408151 . I can quickly adjust to market changes and provide support with sought-after paths to Canada, such as Startup visas. Express Entry, Canadian Experience Class, Provincial Nomination, Spouse Immigration, LMIA, Work permit, Super Visas, Intra-Company Transfers, visiting visas, Investment categories, and other services

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